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How To Change Mac Address In Kali Linux

How To Change Mac Address In Kali Linux

How To Change Mac Address In Kali Linux
How To Change Mac Address In Kali Linux

Change Mac Address With Macchanger In Kali Linux.

Media access control (MAC) is a unique hardware address given for network interfaces[ethernet and wireless] for communication on the physical network segment.
In many situations, we have to change/fake our MAC address in order to protect hardware information.
Fortunately guys with kali it is one of the easiest things to do.You are just two steps way from faking your MAC address.
We will be using a special tool called macchanger.It is quicker and more convenient method to change MAC address.
So open your terminal.

Macchanger help menu

-h option brings the help menu.It displays options that you can use with macchanger

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root@seven:~# macchanger -h
GNU MAC Changer
Usage: macchanger [options] device

  -h,  --help                   Print this help
  -V,  --version                Print version and exit
  -s,  --show                   Print the MAC address and exit
  -e,  --ending                 Don't change the vendor bytes
  -a,  --another                Set random vendor MAC of the same kind
  -A                            Set random vendor MAC of any kind
  -p,  --permanent              Reset to original, permanent hardware MAC
  -r,  --random                 Set fully random MAC
  -l,  --list[=keyword]         Print known vendors
  -b,  --bia                    Pretend to be a burned-in-address
  -m,  --mac=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX
       --mac XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX  Set the MAC XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX

Report bugs to https://github.com/alobbs/macchanger/issues
Before changing your mac address you have to bring your interface down.

Bring Interface down

Before changing we must bring our interface down. I am connected to the internet with the wired[ethernet] interface. So if you are connected to the internet with wireless[wifi] then type wlan0 instead of eth0.
root@seven:~# ifconfig eth0 down

Change MAC

root@seven:~# macchanger -r eth0
  1. -r   flag is for generating a random address.It basically tells macchanger to give any random address.
  2. eth0   Which card you want to change MAC on.If your card is wireless then write wlan0.
Now type the following command to enable your interface again.that should be it.
root@seven:~# ifconfig eth0 up
Also Check: Beginners Ethical Hacking Course

So above are the How To Change Mac Address In Kali Linux. Hope you like this article, keep on sharing with others too. Also, share your experience with us in a comment box below.

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